Wednesday 21 September 2016

Meal Planning Tips for Busy Nurses

Nurses are well aware of the importance of eating a well-balanced diet. However, nurses live in a fast-paced and hectic working environment. This environment often encourages unhealthy eating habits. If you want to follow a healthy diet, here are some meal planning tips and tricks that can put you back on the right track.

  1. Plan ahead - Nurses work long shifts and often don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals. It is recommended that nurses take time from their busy schedule to plan meals in advance during their day off. Create a meal plan that incorporates easy cooking and is also healthy. Go for easy, healthy recipes.
    Meal Planning Tips for Busy NursesFor example - Saute green veggies, prepare a salad; include some whole grain breads, brown rice etc. When you already have a meal plan in place, it will take less time to cook. Aside from recipes, you can also use some creative meal planning templates available online. 
  2. Making a Grocery list - Before you head out to grocery shop, make a grocery list. When you go with a grocery list in your hand, it stops you from buying impulsively. Include more whole foods, fresh vegetables, fruits, and dairy products on your list. 
  3. Carry healthy snacks to the workplace - When working for long hours or critical shifts, there is the possibility of missing meals. In these situations, there is a risk of hypoglycemia, making nurses tired and grouchy. Instead of randomly munching on chips, pastries, and junk food, try to carry healthy snacks. Carry items like nuts, fruits, and salads. They are convenient to carry and are healthy for a quick munch at work.
  4. Get creative - Eating the same food every week can get boring. It also results in an increased temptation for junk food. To avoid this, try including a new dish every week. You can find many recipes on the internet and in books that are easy to prepare. This is a great way to keep both your taste buds and your body happy and healthy!
  5. Stocks up on good food - A nurse’s schedule is often changing. Many situations arise when you need to fill a gap at the last moment.
    For example - Someone calls in sick, or urgent work comes up. Under these circumstances, you need to cover someone’s shift. Even though these are unforeseen situations, you can still stop yourself from turning to junk and unhealthy foods. Why not stock up on frozen foods? Frozen foods are quick to make and can also have many health benefits like cancer prevention. 

Being creative is a valuable trait for nurses. It can help them to manage things like meals while working. If you are in the nursing profession and are finding it difficult to handle your personal or professional life, share your experience with us in the comments below. Let us try to find you some relief!

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